The World's Greatest is a solo show written, performed, and produced by Judy Lei, directed by MC Jin. It's a story about a badass Chinatown girl: her relationships with her friends and family, and her journey in making it out of a failing NYC public high school/home. It will make its World Premiere at the TBG Studio Theatre this summer in NYC from August 19-22, 2016 and at the Japanese American National Museum's Tateuchi Democracy Forum on April 23, 2017.
To purchase tickets, go here.
Headshots taken by David Noles.
The World's Greatest traveled to Los Angeles on Sunday, April 23, 2017 to the Japanese American National Museum's Tateuchi Democracy Forum.
b&w photos by karin anna cheung.
color photos by cindy chu.
The World's Greatest was first presented in NYC. It took place at the TBG Studio Theatre, where I have been honing my craft since 2012.
Previews | May 6-8, 2016
Premiere | August 19-22, 2016
I took classes at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in 2013 and stopped. In 2017, I decided to get back into the game and continue to cut my teeth at this amazing school.