Happy thanksgiving y'all! It's been a trip, and Election Day is finally, at long last, over over. Everything leading up to that big day felt like a rush, but after ED, everything is so chill now. Traveled to Boston with my colleague and had a lot of fun speaking with old grannies and grampies. A few voters sat me down and told me their life stories. That was my favorite part. I love listening to life stories, especially from the Chinese community in Boston. It's different, yet the same as folks in NYC. You know, immigrant stories.. something I can relate to wholeheartedly. To that experience and my job, I am extremely thankful. I'm also thankful for family and friends. Sometimes people come in and out of your life. Family will always be by your side. sometimes it is easy to distinguish between friends and acquaintances, but I consider everyone I meet a friend. As my friend mentioned the other day, you are friends for a reason; you met by chance for a reason, so for all my friends, I am thankful.
This day puts me on reflecting mode. I took a small break away from acting, but I'm ready to dive back in in January. New year, new beginnings. I'm trying so hard to make everyday a new beginning, so I'm promising myself now that I will keep working on the craft until I get to a level of comfort with being uncomfortable. So hard. Easier said than done, but imma do it. I will. If and when I achieve that level, I will be thankful for taking it up a notch to a whole 'nother level. Keep pushing, yah feel me?
What are you thankful for?