Yesterday after fucking up in class for a major network casting director, I had this dark thought.. like what if tv ain't the thing for me? I guess let's take it back a little bit. I have always wanted to be on a tv show, and comedy is always something that I enjoy. The class was for a single-camera tv comedy pilot. When I saw the class being offered about a month ago, I was more than excited and signed up right away. It was a two-part class. Took the intro last week and it went well. We were given exactly one day to memorize the script. I had everything prepared and I was ready to kill it, but a part of me knew I still wasn't fully memorized by the time I went up. And when the cameras began to roll, I had to peek at the script to pick up ques, but since it was comedy and the three scenes had more than 2 characters at once, I lost focus. Thinking back, it is a lesson of memorization. I have to start practicing memorizing things--stories, monologues, and just practice using that muscle. Since there's only 24 hours in doing so, I should practice every day and see how fast I can get off-book.
Last night was really a test of willpower and preparation. It taught me well. It's so easy to think maybe this ain't for me, but I'd rather think--I'll do better next time.
Let's get it!