Has it already been two weeks since 2016 arrived? Usually people write out their new years resolution the week before or the hour before the year ends. Me? I wait till two weeks later because... well... 2016 was off to a great start where I blacked out during New Years Eve, as in, I fell in the shower a few times and threw up like crazy the next day. In other words, a crazy hot mess. Sorry to everyone who had to witness that. 2015 was a crazy year, and it ended like how the year went: a mess. I'm never going to do that again and will carbo-load before. Promise.
Ok, 2016, let's see. This is going to be crazy or sound crazy, but my main hustle this year is to put on the solo show. Aside from a side hustle here and there to make some pocket cash, nothing else. Solo show, you be my main boo boo.
In the past, I committed myself to so many things that I put my passions and goals in the backburner. This year, nuh-uh! I'm gonna focus on me and pursuing the arts 100%. No. More. Distractions. And no one can stop me. What does this mean? It means I can't chill/frivolously spend money. Sorry, if you calling to chill, I'm gonna be like: "if I can't bring over a bottle of wine and some fruits or cookies, I ain't coming."
Another thing is: I might be sassy for a while. The character I created is so damn sassy--sassy like Cookie Lyon from EMPIRE. She is scared, but she is driven. She needs to be sassy to get through tough times. I normally have a fraction of her sass, but these days, I'm honing myself to have more of that so that I can own more of her/the stage. It might change me, but it is a good thing. Time to let the inner freak out.
Speaking of freak(y), taking this next step is the freakiest. This is where I have to find a director to work with to refine the work. When you write something for the past two years, you think everything you write is awesome--or at least you're protective of it. But once you hand it over to the director, (s)he can add/subtract what you've already written. It's a collaborative effort, and it's an important one. It's gonna be tough to find someone who wants to work with this piece. I already reached out to someone whom I see fit, but will that person agree? I don't know. I really hope we can work out something amazing. Crossing fingers. Until then, please pray for me.
I'm also going to be in San Francisco in March 9-17 for CAAMFest and Los Angeles in April from April 20-29 for LAAPFF. If you're around, holla at ja gurl. Would love to see you. And do you have a couch or floor space? I need a spot to crash. Help an artist out. :-)
The hustle stays real in 2016. What is something you've always wanted to do creatively? Start in 2016, dammit. Just do that shizzzzz!