Wow, I haven't updated this blog for far too long. I've been hiding under the rock with the 38th Asian American International Film Festival (AAIFF)--can't believe another year of the festival is over! It's been four weeks since the festival ended, and I finally feel recovered (working 20 hour days really takes a toll on your body!) and am able to write and reflect a bit. This year, it came and passed so quickly. In a way, I miss all the craziness--the chaos, the shock, the adrenaline. So many people were here for the festival, so many filmmakers, friends, and audience members from out of town was here. Afterall, the festival is about creating conversations with creatives behind the scenes, and I can't express the amount of gratitude and respect for everyone brave enough to make art and show it to the world. Props! (Insert clapping hands emoji here)
What's next?
As for the creative things in life:
Acting-wise, I'll be working on a project. What project!?! Well, secret secret until it all comes together. Will write more about it soon. Stay tuned.
Modeling-wise (first time!), I was in Philly last weekend for a shoot with Nom Wah Tea Parlor. Nom Wah is a dim sum restaurant based in NYC, and have recently expanded to Philly. My childhood friend and talented photographer, AnRong Xu, told me about the project, and I, loving dim sum + Nom Wah + wanting to collaborate with AnRong for a while now, jumped at the opportunity. It's my second time visiting the state of brotherly love. First time, it was for work with AALDEF (speaking with Limited English Proficient elderly voters), and this time, it's sorta for work but not really because it was so much fun taking pictures in front of Philly's landmarks--the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Liberty Bell (we didn't make it in.. the line was long), Independence Hall, Board Game Art Park, Italian Market, Schuylkill Rivers, and last but not least, Chinatown. I also had the pleasure to meet my partner-in-crime in the shoot, Ms. Betty Jiang, and also fabulous producer, Barbara Leung. We ended the shoot in South Philly, and went to THE BEST pho place ever called Pho75. We ate in silence.. that's how good it was. Pictures will be forthcoming (before the food belly). I had an amazing time in Philly and I cannot wait to find an excuse to go back. I want to do all the touristy stuff and really experience the city. ^-^
Writing-wise, believe it or not, I'm going to keep rewriting the solo show. Ain't gonna give up on that baby because I believe in the story so much. I know what is missing. The things leading up to a great ending. Also heartfelt things. Things I was too scared to write into because I wasn't sure if it'll please the audience. But after reading a lot of writing tips from writers, they say, never try to please the audience and just write from the gut. So you will get guts, GUTS--watch out world!
As for life in general:
I've been reading a lot lately. Reading is one of my favorite pastimes. I picked up Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari and read it within two days. Very hilarious and insightful if you're a modern dater. I admit it, I suck at dating and I give up. I foresee myself ending up with a book and Pikachu for the rest of my life--and scary enough, I'm okay with that. After finishing that, I'm now starting Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. I'm only on page 37 at the moment, but will continue and reflect more soon.
I'm currently planning a month-long Hong Kong and Japan trip with my mom and brother (only with my bro for Japan). I visited HK for several times, but I've never been to Japan. I'm absolutely thrilled and have been mapping out all the different places to hit up. I'm still looking for suggestions though for both HK and Japan, so please feel free to share. Food, nature, any adventurous things, etc. :)
For this upcoming fall, I want to get out more and explore new places within NYC. I've never wandered through Central Park or Prospect Park before, so I will do that. Gotta also check out Dumbo at night (all the public art pieces) before it gets any chillier. Woohoo to exploring! :)
I'll post more often from now on. Pinky promise. #keepsmiling :-)