The year 2014 arrived around three weeks ago, and as usual, I left this blog .. un-updated. A lot has happened since the last post, but I didn't write about it. I should really put myself on a schedule. Perhaps one post per week? That's not too much to ask, right Judy? I started the Solo Show and Scene Study class at TBG. Both is like a fresh start. Previously, I was in the 1.5 year program, and after a year, you just get accustomed to everyone in the class and everything becomes the usual. Or to be it bluntly, I desperately wanted to start off in another class. Maybe I had a slow start in the 1.5 year program? Maybe I didn't connect or work with as much people as I had hoped? Anyway, the Solo Show class is all about developing the writing/storytelling process; the Scene Study is a continuation of developing the tbg tools and giving yourself directions/self-adjustments. Both classes complement each other, and I can't wait to perform segments of the solo show to put everything i learned into prospective.
But to go off on the process of the solo show for a bit: I feel stuck. Not stuck in the sense of i don't know what i'm writing. But stuck in the sense that i know what i want to say, what kind of story i want to tell. I tell this to my brother, and he plain said my story isn't juicy enough. He asked: if you were an audience member, will you buy a ticket to watch your show? Honestly! So, that's why i'm stuck.
Maybe i should just flip the finger and follow my gut into telling the story i want to tell. Yes, i'll do that.
Fresh start to the new year, and my motto for 2014? Don't give a fuck about what others think or say.