I turn 27 today. First year into my late-twenties. Dang. I met up with a few friends today and asked them what advice they would give to a 27 year old. One said 27 is the year of many adult changes. Another said 27 might be the year of heartbreak. Another said when she was 27, she moved to Asia a bit to do a bit of soul searching. Is 27 the golden year of transition? The tipping point where all the things we've learned in our early-to-mid twenties come to a full swing? These are the questions left to be answered. I'll blog more "growing up while 27" throughout the year to keep progress in check.
For now, I want to reflect on all things I learned from being 26. It might be a repeat of things I've written last year. Apologies in advance -- I have a short-term memory. :P
Here we go:
26 things I learned from being 26
1) You never get what you don't ask for. Ask for it.
2) Be bold. Take chances. Fall flat on your face. At least you know you tried.
3) Figure out what it is that you want, and never stop until you get it.
4) Work hard. Put in work everyday. Never make excuses.
5) Treat the janitor / housekeeper the same way you treat the CEO.
6) Know your worth. Sit down and access your strengths and weaknesses, and see what you're worth and what you can work on. Then work on what you need to work on, so that becomes one of your strengths.
7) Speak/Stand up for yourself. If someone is treating you unfairly, speak up. Sometimes they might not intentionally be treating you that way, so be ready to speak up. It's not confrontational until you put that attitude in. You can lose your shit at the moment, but be adult and talk it out.
8) Other people can talk shit. How you react reveals much more about your character.
9) Addictions, no matter good or bad, can only last so long until you realize what it is you are trying to run away from is coming to bite your ass.
10) Always take care of shit. Stop procrastinating.
11) Stop doing things out of obligation. It's okay to say no. (Read: The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a FUCK).
12) Family always comes first.
13) You do not have to see/talk to someone everyday to be friends with that person.
14) Friendship is a two way street. Be willing to meet someone halfway. If they can't meet you there, then it's not worth it.
15) Relationships come and go (this includes friendship). Those who are meant to stay, will.
16) Never bend your back for someone who will not give you a bit of their time.
17) Never let someone stay in your life longer than they should. Know when to end things.
18) After you end things, don't go snooping around their social media. Let go.
19) Love doesn't exist. Friendship and kindness does.
20) There is a difference between lust and love. That's the first thing taught at my high school before we delved into Romeo and Juliet. Lust is who you think about when you're feeling itchy down there. Love is who you think about when you're experiencing something amazing and you wish that other person is there to share that moment with you.
21) Having stuff (material goods) won't make you a happier person. Having knowledge or experiences are far more valuable.
22) Start figuring out your political compass. Do not vote for Trump.
23) Sometimes personal stories are far more powerful than numbers. Don't only believe in numbers. Qualitative over quantitative, especially when it comes to politics.
24) Read. Everyday. Shower / brush AND floss your teeth everyday.
25) Do something that scares you everyday.
26) Figure out what makes you itch, and scratch it everyday.